Hi ! My name is Chari, HoneyChat is the name I go by at Chat Channels. I'm 22 years of age, of Filipino-Chinese descent currently living with my Parents in Windsor, Ontario Canada.
My many hobbies include rollerblading, biking, cooking, baking, eating, browsing the
net, chatting, watching T.V., listening to music, reading paperbacks .. and a lot more!
You know, I really think it's cool how the net has grown so fast and how students such as myself can have our own personal Homepages. Speaking of students, Hi to my classmates at St. Clair College, department of Accounting & Marketing .
Hello to my former classmates at St. Mary's (Batch 1993 High School Graduates) and University of Santo Tomas (Section I-9 Commerce department) in the Philippines.
You can click on the link below to visit my "Friends" page for a growing list of my friends . I promise to include more pictures as soon as I get them.
So, how do you like my Homepage ? It's just a simple little home, for a simple person like me. I hope you enjoy your stay. This simple little Leo greets you "Good Day!" and hope you come visit again soon !
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